
Turmeric Facts: It Is As Effective As Many Allopathic Drugs

Turmeric Facts: It Is As Effective As 14 Drugs

Turmeric is one of the most effective organic drugs in today’s market. Recent studies have shown that Tumeric has highly effective anti-inflammatory properties. Besides, it does numerous benefits to the human body. It cures kidney, diabetes. Stomach problems as well as fights cancerous cells. For general information, Tumeric is a part of the generic herb family, and it is widely found in the Middle East and Southeast Asian cuisines.

Many of us know that turmeric is very good for health. Turmeric contains fantastic benefits, and science confirms that it also helps to treat chronic hepatitis, colorectal cancer, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Here we provide some fantastic facts of turmeric that you haven’t heard before.

 Science Confirms: Turmeric is Powerful

Turmeric is one of today’s most well-researched herbs. Matter of fact, research has found more than 600 preventive and therapeutic potential uses and 175 specific beneficial physiological effects in turmeric.


Given the high level of research conducted on this remarkable spice. It is no wonder that a growing number of studies have shown that turmeric favors a range of conventional drugs, including:

Lipitor/Atorvastatin(cholesterol medication):

The 2008 study issued by R & D, journal Drug, figured out the standardized preparation of curcuminoids from Turmeric.

Reportedly, Turmeric compared to atorvastatin drug Lipitor, the underlying pathology of the atherosclerosis-driven blood vessels in combination with inflammatory reductions and oxidative stress in type 2 diabetic patients. Turmeric was compared to atorvastatin (trade name Lipitor).

Corticosteroids (steroid medications):

A 1999 study published in Phytotherapy Research revealed that the primary turmeric polyphenol, the Saffron-colored pigment known as curcumin. Also, It is beneficial for treating recurrent anterior uveitis, an inflammatory eye disease, relative to steroids.

Moreover, a 2008 research by Critical Care Medicine found curcumin to be an alternative therapy. It works as a defense of lung transplantation-related injuries. Additionally, it regulates inflammatory genes that are beneficial for corticosteroids in animal model dexamethasone.

The same medication was also favorable compared to dexamethasone in a model lung ischemia-repurpose injury.

Prozac/Fluoxetine & Imipramine (antidepressants)

A 2011 study in the journal Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica found that the role of turmeric in reducing depressive behavior of an animal model was positive relative to both drugs.

Aspirin (blood thinner):

In 1986, A Vivo Research paper published in the Arzneimittelforschung journal found that turmeric has a modulative effect against the aspirin on antiplatelet and prostacyclin. Suggesting that it is likely to be of benefit in vascular thrombosis and anti-arthritis therapy patients.

Anti-inflammatory Drugs:

A 2004 study published in Oncogene found that the use of turmeric as well as resveratrol in anti-inflammatory. Antiproliferative activity against tumor cells has resulted in effective alternatives to medication aspirin, ibuprofen, sulindac. Tumeric properties are present in phenylbutazone, naproxen, indomethacin, diclofenac, dexamethasone, celecoxib, and tamoxifen.

Oxaliplatin (a chemotherapy drug)

A 2007 study published in the international cancer journal found that curcumin favorably compares oxaliplatin as a colorectal cell-line antiproliferative.

Metformin (diabetes drug):

A 2009 study in the journal Biochemistry and the Community of Biophysical Research examined the potential value of curcumin in diabetes treatment. Curcumin is more effective than metformin in activating AMPK and its downstream target acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) 500-100,000 times as tetrahydro curcuminoids (THC).

Hence, the conclusion is that it stimulates AMPC (increasing the absorption of glucose) and decreases the expression of gluconeogenesis in hepatoma cells. Considering the strong relevance of Turmeric both in food and in medicine. One can safely say that this plant is both science and the most precious gift of nature to mankind. However, it also has some side effects.

Turmeric powder
Turmeric powder, indianexpress

Turmeric has recently become a very common spice. Well, the use of turmeric in Japan and the West has increased substantially. Through studies into drug-resistant and multi-drug-resistant cancers, turmeric and its ingredients revealed extraordinary therapeutic properties.

No less than 54 studies have indicated that curcumin may induce cell death or responsive to conventional treatment drug-resistant cell lines.

About the author

Saugat G

I am an IT engineer & Guitarist but my passion for writing draws my attention.
Talking about my hobby, I am a travel freak, recently, I have been to Queen of Lake (Rara) for my vacation.
