
How Many Hours Should You Be Sleeping?

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Am I sleeping enough? Do you ever find yourself asking this question? According to new research, apparently, it depends on your age. “The answer to how many hours you need is not that clear,” says Dr. Raj Dasgupta. At the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine, he is an assistant professor of clinical medicine in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.

According to him, sleep requirements are unique, but the “sweet spot” guideline is seven to nine hours of sleep. “Sleep requirements change throughout age,” said Christina Chick, a Stanford University postdoctoral fellow in psychiatry and behavioral sciences.

CDC’s sleep guideline

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adults should receive at least seven hours of sleep every night, yet one-third of them do not.

According to a new study, even one day of sleep deprivation might negatively impact your health in the short run. According to Dasgupta, people who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, and bipolar illness.

Source: health.harvard

What is the proper sleeping requirement for kids and teens?

If it feels like your baby is sleeping all day, it’s probably because they are. According to Dasgupta, babies can sleep 17 to 20 hours each day in their first year of life. But, according to Chick, infants aged 4 to 12 months require 12 to 16 hours of sleep each night, including naps. 

Source: israel21c

Dr. Bhanu Kolla recommends that toddlers between the ages of one and three have 11 to 14 hours of sleep. According to him, children aged 3 to 5 should sleep for 10 to 13 hours, while children ages 6 to 12 should sleep for nine to 12 hours.

Naps are included in these sleep recommendations for children up to the age of five, according to Chick.

Kolla recommends that teenagers obtain eight to ten hours of sleep every night. In recent years, this proposal has prompted a controversy concerning school start times.

Sleep quantity is essential, but so is sleep quality, according to Dasgupta. Getting more restful sleep and entering the rapid eye movement (REM) stage aids cognition, memory, and productivity during the day. The stage of sleep during which memories are consolidated and retained is known as REM. It also helps us to have vivid dreams. However, people might receive the proper amount of sleep yet still feel tired, indicating that they aren’t reaching these phases of sleep.

How much sleep do college students and adults require?

Dark circle under their eyes, messy hair, and a coffee in hand is all part of the classic college student look. It makes no difference whether they stay up all night partying or studying for a test; both lead to sleep deprivation. 


Dr. Dasgupta and Kolla agree that people need seven to nine hours of sleep. However, Kolla believes that as people get older they get better at coping with sleep loss.

According to Chick, because their brains are still growing, young adults may regularly require nine or more hours. In addition, individuals of any age may require nine or more hours when recuperating from an accident, sickness, or sleep deficit.

According to Kolla, there are also “natural variations,” which refer to some people who need to sleep for 10 hours or more and others who can operate less than four. If you’re wondering if being an early riser or a night owl makes a difference, Chick says it depends on “if your lifestyle is compatible” with your inclination.

Also Read: Having Trouble Sleeping? Try Cognitive Shuffling.
