Health Mindset Self

Dissociative Fugue: A Mental Health Disorder

dissociative fugue walking unconsciously

We all have drove in autopilot mode. Most of us zone out while driving but reach the destination safe.

You might wonder how did you make it? But you hardly remember any part of the ride.

So, this phenomena is called normal dissociation. Under this condition we normally zone while doing of routine tasks.

However, this feeling of disconnection can happen very often in some people.

Similarly, it might be difficult for them to snap back into reality.

So, Dissociative Fugue Disorder is the condition where a person temporarily loses their sense of identity.

Dissociative Fugue is a mental health condition.

It is important that everyone takes care of their mental stability.

Mental health issues are still taboo at some places. People find it difficult to admit and even difficult to accept it.

Their are still places where such disorders will be treated as witchcraft.

So, it is important that we are aware of these diseases and help anyone who needs to learn more about it.

This disorder causes people to become unable to do daily chores.

A person suffering from dissociative fugue disorder may lose a sense of these things:

  • Awareness of actions.
  • Disconnected thoughts.
  • Physical Sensation.
  • Sense of Identity.

The person might do things that aren’t really normal.

Most of the times they wander around and end up in places that they don’t recognize.

This state of not knowing can last from hours to months.

There are also safety and security concerns around such patients.

Their actions are as similar as someone who is sleepwalking.

So, there is a high chance that they might end up in some kind of accident.


Causes of  Dissociative Fugue

dissociative fugue walking unconsciously

The onset of this disorder is generally associated with alcohol consumption or a traumatic event.

There are also evidence of a genetic connection to this disease.

However, the main causes of the diseases could be reduced to the following points:

  • Traumatic experiences and deep sense of embarrassment.
  • Long term mental or emotional abuse.
  • Torture.
  • Traumatic events like war, accidents, kidnapping.
  • Unsuccessful Suicide Attempts.


Signs and Symptoms of Dissociative Fugue Disorder

Dissociative Fugue disorder symptom

There are a large number of signs and symptoms that shows this condition.

However, there are other conditions that might show similar signs.

It would be best to consult a doctor if you wanna be sure that you might be suffering.

Nonetheless, these are some specific signs that is visible in someone with this disorder. For instance:

  • Confusion on simple problems and issues.
  • Detachment for a long period of time.
  • Episodes of depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Anxiety attacks.
  • Wandering into places one normally doesn’t go.


Treatment of the Dissociative Fugue Disorder:

The treatment of this disorder generally involves therapy.

But before that most of the times, the doctors will rule out the possibility of memory loss.

Since, there are a lot of similarly between the symptoms they carry out certain tests.

It is important that the disorder is rightly identified before the treatment is started.


The treatment is usually done in steps and gradually.

Dissociative Fugue Disorder

Firstly, we need to build a safe environment for the patient.

We should reduce the possibility of accident of the patient.

After which, the treatment is don’t through various therapies.

They perform the following treatment under the patients:

  • Help the patient recover the lost memories through psychotherapy.
  • Also perform therapy to gain insight about the thinking pattern and create a welcoming environment for the patient.
  • The doctors might also prescribe medication in case the patient has conditions like depression and anxiety.
  • The treatment might also include of clinical therapy where the doctors understand the initial trauma.
  • In order to develop coping mechanisms they can also be given family therapy.
  • We can teach the patient various meditation and relaxation techniques.
  • Family therapy can also help in strengthening personal relationships.
  • Also elimination of the triggers can help the person from getting the fugue.

It is also important to understand the major cause of the trauma.

The underlying factor that caused the trauma is what needs to be fought.

So, that even if it happens in the future, the patient is capable of coping up.

Because if incase it is not done, the fugue can happen again and again in the future.

One of the objectives of the treatment is to stop the fugue from recurring.

It is important to seek help. Mental health is as important as physical health.

There are events and situations that might cause such disorders.

However, there are way in which you can treat and prevent them.

We should remove the negative concepts of mental condition.

Education against such diseases if very important.

So, if you see anyone who might possibly have this condition, help them out.
