
Common Myths About Periods That Aren’t True

Approximately half of the world’s population experience, or will experience period at some point of time.

Does missing a period mean I’m dangerously underweight? Should I skip my training in the pool during period?

When it comes to period, everybody has an opinion and few questions of their own along with the pain.

But it doesn’t end here. There’s a seemingly endless list of myths about periods circulating around society.

If you are on your pms, you can’t touch a pickle jar or it will go bad. You can’t bathe in the same tub as your family members.

Sounds insane, right? On top of the pain women around the world go during their pms, they have to deal with these sort of myths too.

Many of these period myths have entered our brains and taken up residence as facts since very long time.

But the truth of the matter is, old wives’ tales about your period while well-known, aren’t always going to be accurate.

That’s why it’s really important for women to check in on occasion and find out which myths on pms might be true and which might not.

Read on the below article on a few myths related to periods, which might not be accurate:


Can’t Exercise During Your Period

It’s very common to feel tired during your period. Hence, you might not want to exercise or do any sort of activities.

You just wait your pms to get over so that you can do lots of exercise and daily activities.

While these feelings occurs to many people during their period, but for some who want to do exercise, they don’t have to wait.

In fact, the more you move, the more oxygen flows through your body and decrease prostaglandin release and helps in eliminating cramping.

Exercise triggers the release of endorphins which can induce an altered pain perception and help women with menstrual pain and cramps.

But the right thing to do is to listen to your body and do what it feels right. If you don’t have energy, take rest all day.


Period Stops While Swimming

If you’ve ever been swimming while on your period, it might feel like being in the water makes it stop. Well, it isn’t entirely true.

While it is a nice break in the action, your period isn’t actually slowing down or stopping due to swimming.

The counter pressure of water might stop a menstrual flow from entering water.

Additionally, if you are floating or swimming, the lack of gravity can hinder a menstrual flow from coming outside the vagina.

So, if you want to stay in water during your period, it’s best to wear a tampon or a menstrual, just in case.

And be sure to remove it afterwards to clear out any bacteria that accumulates on the cotton or in the cup while you are in water.


Sharks Can Smell Period Blood

You might have heard about this myth on period that sharks can smell period blood very quickly.

You might also have been nervous about stepping into the ocean during your period, while your friends might have enjoyed it.

It is true that sharks are attracted to blood and attack someone when it gets the smell.

But the amount you might leave in the ocean during pms is insignificant. It’s definitely not true that sharks are interested in your period blood.


Shouldn’t Bathe or Wash Hair When Having Period

Many women grew up hearing that bathing or washing your hair or body when having pms is bath for health.

But it’s not true at all. In fact it’s time to put this old wives’ tale to rest and leave all these period myths behind.

Bathing and maintaining good hygiene habits can make you feel pampered and more relaxed during your periods.

It definitely doesn’t stop your bleeding, but makes you feel way better and fresh during your period.


Can’t Get Pregnant 

There’s a belief floating around out there that you can’t get pregnant if you have sex during your period.

In fact, you’re at most fertile stage during the ovulation period, which typically happens about two weeks before the start of your period.

If you have a shorter than normal cycle or if your period is lighter than normal, you might ovulate sooner than expected.

Also, sperm can live up to three to five days inside of the vagina, so depending on how close to ovulation you have sex, pregnancy is possible.

So if you want to have sex during your period, just be sure to continue using your usual form of birth control.


Shouldn’t Use Tampons Until A Certain Age

There’s no age minimum for tampons. Anyone old enough to have their period is old enough to use them.

Further, they’re not only for people who have had sex, though there is a small chance that using a tampon can cause your hymen to stretch or tear.

So, if you’re having trouble using tampons, talk to your parents or a health care professional about it.

Rather than that, tampons are safe and comfortable to use during period for women of any age.


It’s Normal to Have Really Bad Cramps

Cramps during your pms is said to be normal and nothing to worry about. But, painful and debilitating cramps, on the other hand, aren’t something you need to deal with.

It is not normal to have menstrual pain so severe that it interferes with your daily life.

If it gets to that stage, there is usually something else going on, including conditions that make period pain worse.

If your period pain is so intense that it’s holding you back from going to work or school, it’s definitely not normal.

You should go see a doctor immediately and take some prescribed measures during your pms pain.


You’ll Poop More 

Many people poop a lot during their period, so it can feel like this is something that’s guaranteed to happen.

But the truth is that some people experience poop more during their periods while others might experience constipation.

When the estrogen and progesterone hormones (sex hormones) dip a few days before your period starts, they’re replaced by prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are the chemicals that are released during your ovulation period to give your uterus and intestines leeway to contract.


Period Blood Is Different From The Blood in Veins

Period blood may be darker than the blood in your veins, but that doesn’t mean it’s dirty and unhygienic.

It’s just a mixture of regular blood, vaginal secretion, cervical mucus, and uterine tissues.

The fact is that most people experience different colors of period blood in every cycle but that’s not dirty.

Brown period blood occurs when you have a slower flow, like on lighter days, because it’s “around long enough to get oxidized before exiting the body.”
