
AI: Latest Innovations In Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the development of a computer system and it provides us the facility to perform difficult tasks by adapting human intelligence. Moreover, robotics is a major area where the AI community works for visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

So what the recent development in AI? Sofia is a recent protocol, an application developed by David Hanson. So what’s next after Sofia, emerging application for AI has splash throughout the world. Are we secure in this world? Below we have listed some of the analyses, major developments in AI trends, prediction by experts. If they happen, some very exciting changes will potentially be seen in 2020.

What trends in AI should you be watching in 2020?

According to computer scientist and researcher, we will be part of the next big changes in the technology world which includes:

  • Machine Learning
  • AI-Led Automation
  • Blockchain
  • Blockchain As A Service
  • Enterprise Content Management
  • AI For The Back Office
  • Mainstreamed IoT
  • Quantum Computing AI Applications

Most Watched AI Trends in 2020

We have listed some of the awesome trends which were not possible back before. So Stay tuned, here are some of the Artificial Intelligence trends you should know.

1. Computer Graphics Benefiting AI

One of the significant development in 2020 will be developments in computer-generated graphics using AI. Additionally, this is particularly true for more photorealistic effects in films and games, such as creating high detail of the face, cars, and the environment.

Matter of fact, the Realistic reproduction of glass, the polish of wood or the flesh of a tomato is typically a very time-consuming method to reproduce on film.

Different researchers are already discovering new ways to make AI work hard to create complex graphics. For starters, for many years NVIDIA has worked on this already. Furthermore, scientists in Vienna are also focusing on methods of automating completely under the guidance of an artist. Further, this involves using neural networks and machine learning to take instructions from a creator for their approval to generate test images.

2. Super Realistic Deepfake AI

Deepfake is another sector that has progress massively in the last few years. 2019 saw a multitude of deep-fakes, luckily funny, that went viral on various social media networks. However, as time passes this technology will only become more advanced in nature. On the other hand, this opens the door to some very troubling consequences that could potentially harm or ruin real-world reputations.


Will Deepfake will take the job of anchor, Tv host? How can we distinguish the real videos from a fake one? It is of great significance because Deepfakes can easily spread political disinformation, business sabotage or even cyberbullying.

Google and Facebook are developing an AI to detect the deepfake video. Unfortunately, at times even AI seems to have been stumped.

3. Predictive text

Google is making one step ahead by making predictive test much better. Moreover, predictive has been around. However, emerging with artificial intelligence, we have reached a point where you don’t have to write at all. For instance, predictive text on “Smart” email is already being tested on programs such as Gmail.

This could help users dramatically speed up their typing if used correctly and could be particularly useful to those with physical disabilities. Of course, even though the AI correctly predicted their thoughts, many people will find themselves typing out the full sentence anyway.

4. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

When AI becomes ever more advanced, there will be more pressure on developers to keep an eye on the ethics of their work. Further, An ethical framework for developing and using AI may determine how AI’s human designers should create and use their inventions, and what AI should and should not be used to.

Early references to Roboethics include author Isaac Asimov’s work and his “Three Robotic Laws.” Many argue that it may be time before any truly advanced AIs are developed to encode many of Asimov’s concepts into law.

5. Quantum computing

Quantum computing aims to revolutionize many computer sciences and can be used in the future to supercharge AI. In addition, it holds the promise of dramatically improving the efficiency of how vast amounts of data are generated, processed, and analyzed. Big data, natural language processing, AI, and security could have enormous potential.

Quantum computing holds the promise of dramatically improving the efficiency of how vast amounts of data are generated, processed, and analyzed. Big data, natural language processing, AI, and security could have enormous potential.

6. Facial recognition

At the moment, facial recognition seems trendy. Moreover, it is emerging in several aspects of our lives and is being adopted for different purposes, including surveillance, by both large and small organizations. Likewise, Artificial Intelligence is progressively acting to help individuals identify and monitor their positions and movements.

In addition, AI-powered monitoring is already in operation at many airports around the globe and law enforcement is gradually implementing it.

7. Machine Learning Help To Increase Production Efficiency

Star Wars Episode II robot manufacturing facility: The Clone Wars may not be all that far, far ahead. Moreover, in the distant future, fully autonomous production lines operated by AI are expected to be there with us.


Besides, we are not quite there yet, we are using AI and machine learning to improve output as we speak. Moreover, it aims to cut costs, improve quality and reduce energy usage for those companies that invest in it.


About the author

Saugat G

I am an IT engineer & Guitarist but my passion for writing draws my attention.
Talking about my hobby, I am a travel freak, recently, I have been to Queen of Lake (Rara) for my vacation.
